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Nutritiously Natty is for everyone looking for inspiration in the kitchen or those struggling with dietary changes.   Most people I see positively embrace the changes I suggest with a strong motivation to change their eating and lifestyle habits.  But I know many feel overwhelmed and admit to needing help to make it work for their lifestyles and their families. I’m using this platform to communicate recipes to help you make a happy transition. 


Often I am asked about what I eat and I want to share with you a little about my own eating habits as this will reflect the recipes that I post. 


I follow a strict dairy free diet as it increases my energy levels and suites my digestion.  In my experience, many symptoms resolve from removing dairy from the diet but you could adapt the recipes to include raw dairy which is grass fed and/or fermented yogurts/kefir if you so tolerate.  
I follow a strict gluten free diet and you won’t find any gluten here.

The recipes are as unprocessed as possible, in that I strive to use whole ingredients, free from preservatives and additives. However, I am not perfect and understand that we do need to eat conveniently on occasions where we are busy.  I will try to help you with making these choices.

Cooking from scratch can take some time and some of the recipes can be a little time consuming.   In which case I will often recommend you make food in large batches so you have recipes in the freezer for later in the week or for lunch the next day.

I hope you enjoy my recipes. You can follow me on instagram  and I am slowly adding my recipes to this website so please do check regularly.


Natty x

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